The art of enriching
Successful organizations with recognized brands are in a superior position to others: They increase their attractiveness by keeping promises and stirring up emotions.
This is not an easy task. A networked view has to be applied: The entrepreneural context (for instance, how do managers demonstrate the brand value? Do employees know the meaning of the brand values in their own work area? Can employees act in the sense of the defined brand values?), as well as external market influences (which meaning do customers or other stakeholders attribute to the communicated market values?) of an organization have to be taken into consideration. The size of an organization also influences the capability to create an authentic and credibility.
I analyze the following complex facts in my research emphasis:
- The internal branding addresses the role of managers and company-specific structures and processes in order to adjust the entire organization to its brand strategy.
- EA brand is not only created by management, but the brand meaning is being created jointly by different internal and external market actors. To analyze how such social processes work and which implications result for the management are the main focus of these projects.
- Branding in big organizations is different from the brand creation in smaller organizations. Through the focus entrepreneural branding I take the different context into consideration.
- In employer branding the actual and potential employees are being considered as the main stakeholder group of the brand promise. The goal is to be an attractive employer for the employees, which the employees can identify with. Also, the organization is supposed to be a magnet for future talents. Hence there are many different questions we are working on in a joint research project.