The way to becoming a responsible actor in a society with limited resources
What do Chiquita, Novartis, Coca-Cola and the GLS Bank in common? They all promise the customer a socio-ecological engagement and therefore a better world - and their success with customers differs. The goal to differentiate from the competition, to increase attractiveness for the customer or to accomplish a competitive advantage by relying on CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is being pursued by all four organizations. However, some organizations are more authentic in their CRS activities than others- the question is : Why?
I published the following publications on this topic jointly with my co-authors:
Lindgreen, A., Maon, F. and Vallaster, C. (2016)
Building Brands via Corporate Social Responsibility, in The Routledge Companion to Brand Management
Christine, C. (2014)
Shared Value verspricht Sinn und Wachstum
Artikel in "Der Monat, Magazin für Liechtenstein", Seite 16
Vallaster, C. and Lindgreen, A. (2013)
Journal of World Business, 48 (3), 297–310
Vallaster, C. (2013)
It’s all about skills: Soziale Innovation und Wirtschaftlichen Erfolg verbinden
Jahrbuch 2013, Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung - Für Zukünftige Generationen Werte schaffen, 37 – 39
Vallaster, C. and Steinbeisser, D. (2013)
io-Management, 3, 12 - 15
Vallaster, C., Lindgreen, A. and F. Maon (2012)
California Management Review, 54 (3), 34 – 60
Current project in the area of CSR:
The current project in the area of CSR under my leadership in cooperation with Prof. Adam Lindgreen (University of Cardiff) and Prof. Dr. Francois Maon (IESEG School of Management, Catholic University of Lille).
Generating Shared Value: A Corporate Branding Perspective for SMEs (Project Lead, ongoing project, running until the end of August 2014)